UPH has shaped emblem an open Bible and the Eagles are ready to fly, with the inscription Universitas Pelita Harapan circle around him. The Bible symbolizes God's Word that became Pelita for us and a light to our path (Psalm 119: 105). The Bible also reminds us that science comes from the Word of God as witnessed in Al alan. Rajawali bird symbolizes the new powers, such as the Eagles are up with wings. They ran and did not become lethargic, they walk and not become weary (Isaiah 40:31). Books and birds circled by full circle with the words UPH who represent the University as a whole in the second guided expression of biblical passages.The Statute stated that the UPH is based on the philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, and characterized by the Christian faith. Bible becomes a lamp and the eagle symbolizing the hope of giving directions step UPH.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Pelita Harapan University
UPH has shaped emblem an open Bible and the Eagles are ready to fly, with the inscription Universitas Pelita Harapan circle around him. The Bible symbolizes God's Word that became Pelita for us and a light to our path (Psalm 119: 105). The Bible also reminds us that science comes from the Word of God as witnessed in Al alan. Rajawali bird symbolizes the new powers, such as the Eagles are up with wings. They ran and did not become lethargic, they walk and not become weary (Isaiah 40:31). Books and birds circled by full circle with the words UPH who represent the University as a whole in the second guided expression of biblical passages.The Statute stated that the UPH is based on the philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, and characterized by the Christian faith. Bible becomes a lamp and the eagle symbolizing the hope of giving directions step UPH.
High School of Integrated Technology Nurul Fikri
Basic competence and computer science graduate study program High School of Integrated Technology Nurul Fikri :
Able to apply data communications and computer network management.
Being able to apply the principles of database and database programs for application development.
Specific competencies graduate study program Information Systems (IS) is able to understand the organization and business management, as well as capable of designing, implementing, and managing information systems for businesses and large organizations, with two specialization Governance of Information Technology (IT Governance) and Enterprise Information System (Enterprise Information System).
Professional Development and Career
High School of Integrated Technology Nurul Fikri has the Institute of Education and Professional Development as a student acquire additional skills beyond tuition and certification testing. Competency Certification Institute (LSK) Information and Communication Technology in the field of computer literacy, graphic design and others,
Linux Professional Institute (LPI) in the field of operating systems and Linux-based computer network,
Oracle University in the field of database and programming, and
Before and after graduation (alumnus) High School of Integrated Technology Nurul Fikri fostered through the Career Development Center or Career Development Center (CDC) to conduct job training and / or work distribution to the industrial world and the world of business.
Character Development and Student Clubs
Students are also guided active in clubs in accordance with their areas of interest, such as robotics club, club graphic design, e-business club, club leadership, writing club, choir club, sports clubs, and others.
Boarding School Scholarships and ICT
High School of Integrated Technology Nurul Fikri cooperate with various institutions and individuals to provide scholarships for students from poor families and student achievement.
Tarumanagara University
Tarumanagara as a foundation and then the name of the university name
proposed by PK Ojong the foundation meeting on 3 July 1959. Said.
Tarumanagara name taken from the name of the kingdom that once stood in
what is now West Java. College is led by Drs. Kho Oen Bik as Dean and
Drs. Lo Kiem Tjing as Vice Dean. At the inauguration date of October 1,
1962, the school was used as the Faculty of Engineering Department of
Architecture. The faculty is the Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of
Art and Design. Followed Faculty of Information Technology has opened
previously as Informatics Engineering Program in the academic year
1992/1993. Thus at this point Tarumanagara University manages seven
faculties, namely the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of
Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Art
and Design, Faculty of Information Technology; and three Masters Program
in the Program Master of Law, Master Program in Civil Engineering and
Master of Management Program.
For the University, 1967 is the year of the beginning of a revival. In that year, inaugurated the use of the campus at the Lieutenant. S.Parman. At that time faculties, departments, and programs of study are consolidated. Except Faculty of modern languages are not managed to bounce back, the other faculties can survive and consolidated.
This department then changed its name to the Department of Management Studies Program Management S1. And in 1972, the faculty is open to the Accounting Department of Accounting Studies Program S1.
Faculty of Engineering, which starts from the Architecture Department of Architecture Program S1 then have the Department of Civil Engineering with courses S1 Civil Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Program S1. Tarumanagara University education is one of the pioneers of real estate development in Indonesia, marked by a study program Urban Planning and Real Estate which was originally under the Department of Architecture, then stand as the Department itself in the Faculty of Engineering.
Medical school founded in 1965 persisted with S1 Study Program Medical Education and Professional Studies Program Doctor.
Tarumanagara University Faculty of Information Technology (FTI Untar) was inaugurated on 7 January 2002 with the beginning of the Information Engineering study program has been established since 1992.
To assess the quality of higher education, Pemrintah has established the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education to accredit courses at public and private universities. Higher education quality is reflected in the university at the time the product is directed at scientists products, professional products, and product knowledge. Produced by scientists and professional learning courses while science generated in research institutions, community service, and scientific journals.
In 1998, the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education has accredited a number of courses at the University, with a rank of accreditation results for S1 progarm management, program S1 Accounting, legal Studies Program S1, S1 Study Programs Architecture, Civil Engineering study program S1 , S1 Mechanical Engineering study Program, as well as physician education program S1 and recently BAN PT accredits more Information Engineering study program with results ranked accredited A.
For the University, 1967 is the year of the beginning of a revival. In that year, inaugurated the use of the campus at the Lieutenant. S.Parman. At that time faculties, departments, and programs of study are consolidated. Except Faculty of modern languages are not managed to bounce back, the other faculties can survive and consolidated.
This department then changed its name to the Department of Management Studies Program Management S1. And in 1972, the faculty is open to the Accounting Department of Accounting Studies Program S1.
Faculty of Engineering, which starts from the Architecture Department of Architecture Program S1 then have the Department of Civil Engineering with courses S1 Civil Engineering and Department of Mechanical Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Program S1. Tarumanagara University education is one of the pioneers of real estate development in Indonesia, marked by a study program Urban Planning and Real Estate which was originally under the Department of Architecture, then stand as the Department itself in the Faculty of Engineering.
Medical school founded in 1965 persisted with S1 Study Program Medical Education and Professional Studies Program Doctor.
Tarumanagara University Faculty of Information Technology (FTI Untar) was inaugurated on 7 January 2002 with the beginning of the Information Engineering study program has been established since 1992.
To assess the quality of higher education, Pemrintah has established the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education to accredit courses at public and private universities. Higher education quality is reflected in the university at the time the product is directed at scientists products, professional products, and product knowledge. Produced by scientists and professional learning courses while science generated in research institutions, community service, and scientific journals.
In 1998, the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education has accredited a number of courses at the University, with a rank of accreditation results for S1 progarm management, program S1 Accounting, legal Studies Program S1, S1 Study Programs Architecture, Civil Engineering study program S1 , S1 Mechanical Engineering study Program, as well as physician education program S1 and recently BAN PT accredits more Information Engineering study program with results ranked accredited A.
National University - UNAS
National University / Unas founded on October 15, 1949 on the initiative
of the leading scholars of that time who gathered in the Society of
Promotion of Science and Culture (PMIK). PMIK then opened the evening
high school for students who work in the morning to continue the
advancement of knowledge and gain the same year.
Services PMIK then developed at the National Academy of college. The high school graduates who do not want to get into the university of Dutch then, Universiteit van Indonesia (now the University of Indonesia), very enthusiastic enrolled in the National Academy which became the forerunner of the National University. The first lecture was held on the campus of Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta on October 15, 1949, into a historical moment which is celebrated as the birthday of the National University.
Chosen name of college and not a university at that time solely to avoid colonial rule in Jakarta, which does not allow the opening of the college in the form of the University by the Bumiputera. National Academy initially in charge of five (5) faculty, include:
1. Faculty of Social, Economic and Political
2. Faculty of Biology
3. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
4. Faculty of Literature Indonesia
5. Faculty of English Literature
Developments subsequent legalization, through a Notary Mr. R. Soewandy, Society for Promotion of Science and Culture transformed into Foundation Advancing Science and Culture (YMIK) on 1 September 1954 and the National Academy of further solidified his name as the National University.
The dedication was also then when celebrating the second lustrum National University, October 15, 1959, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno, confers the title "University of Struggle".
As for the opening of the Diploma program, YMIK concentrate with open Foreign Language Academy (ABA) National (1970), the National Academy of Accounting (1974), and the National Academy of Tourisme and Hospitality (now the National Tourism Academy). Until now, the National University and the National colleges have opened 32 courses at Postgraduate level, Degree and Diploma which will continue to be developed further.
The development is also done through the establishment of institutional units in education and training, research, community development, publication, and culture, the orphaned at the Institute for Research and Community Service. The agency aims: "Doing coaching, development of science, education, technology and art through research activities. Practice of science, technology, and art through increasing relevance of the program to the needs of the University community through community service activities."
Faced with the pace of globalization, National University realized that to strengthen competitiveness, cooperation with leading institutions in the country and abroad continue to be intensified. This cooperation is useful in information exchange; development of joint programs in education, research, community empowerment to nature conservation; transfer / transfer of technology, exchange of faculty and students and scholarships.
Services PMIK then developed at the National Academy of college. The high school graduates who do not want to get into the university of Dutch then, Universiteit van Indonesia (now the University of Indonesia), very enthusiastic enrolled in the National Academy which became the forerunner of the National University. The first lecture was held on the campus of Jalan Diponegoro, Central Jakarta on October 15, 1949, into a historical moment which is celebrated as the birthday of the National University.
Chosen name of college and not a university at that time solely to avoid colonial rule in Jakarta, which does not allow the opening of the college in the form of the University by the Bumiputera. National Academy initially in charge of five (5) faculty, include:
1. Faculty of Social, Economic and Political
2. Faculty of Biology
3. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
4. Faculty of Literature Indonesia
5. Faculty of English Literature
Developments subsequent legalization, through a Notary Mr. R. Soewandy, Society for Promotion of Science and Culture transformed into Foundation Advancing Science and Culture (YMIK) on 1 September 1954 and the National Academy of further solidified his name as the National University.
The dedication was also then when celebrating the second lustrum National University, October 15, 1959, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Sukarno, confers the title "University of Struggle".
As for the opening of the Diploma program, YMIK concentrate with open Foreign Language Academy (ABA) National (1970), the National Academy of Accounting (1974), and the National Academy of Tourisme and Hospitality (now the National Tourism Academy). Until now, the National University and the National colleges have opened 32 courses at Postgraduate level, Degree and Diploma which will continue to be developed further.
The development is also done through the establishment of institutional units in education and training, research, community development, publication, and culture, the orphaned at the Institute for Research and Community Service. The agency aims: "Doing coaching, development of science, education, technology and art through research activities. Practice of science, technology, and art through increasing relevance of the program to the needs of the University community through community service activities."
Faced with the pace of globalization, National University realized that to strengthen competitiveness, cooperation with leading institutions in the country and abroad continue to be intensified. This cooperation is useful in information exchange; development of joint programs in education, research, community empowerment to nature conservation; transfer / transfer of technology, exchange of faculty and students and scholarships.
University of YARSI
Hospital Foundation Islam Indonesia/ Yayasan Rumah Sakit Islam
Indonesia (YARSI) childbirth education services as the College of
Medicine YARSI Jakarta on 15 April 1967 in 1969 in accordance with Law
no. 22 1961 its status was changed into College of Medicine YARSI
Jakarta. YARSI launch its performance since he was born and he became
providers of health care and education are the most important Islamic
Medicine in Jakarta at the time.
YARSI still rely Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia to cooperate in the field of education and teaching College of Medicine YARSI Jakarta. With the establishment of the three faculties, College of Medicine YARSI Jakarta has been transformed into the Faculty of Medicine, which is in part YARSI along with the three other faculties. All courses of study in an accredited YARSI BAN-PT.
In 2007 YARSI re-opening of new faculties: the Faculty of Psychology and operated since the 2007-2008 academic year. Until now YARSI has five faculties.
In 2012 YARSI has been trusted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to open Dentistry Science Program (Prodi IKG).
YARSI just a name YARSI in Jakarta. To call YARSI as a foundation, he called YARSI Foundation.
YARSI has five faculties and nine courses and two graduate programs. Medical School
General Medical Studies Program (S-1) and (Profession) Doctor
Faculty of Medicine has been established since 1967 with the name of the College of Medicine YARSI Jakarta. Dentistry Study Program (S-1) and (Profession) Dentist
Science Program Dentistry YARSI (IKG Prodi FK-UY) was officially founded on September 4, 2012 through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 306 / E / O / 2012 on the Implementation of Dentistry Study Program (S-1 ) In YARSI In Jakarta. Prodi IKG FK-UY is still a part of the Faculty of Medicine, University of YARSI (FK-UY).
Dentist Professional Education Program with a 1.5-year study period was divided into three semesters and after graduation will get a degree Dentist (drg).
Oral health services on-UY RSKGMP will be the fourth in Jakarta, and is expected to become a center of education and oral health care quality in particular his Indonesian in Jakarta and Greater Jakarta.
Economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of YARSI based Islamic economics. All courses include a comprehensive education graduate programs in business and finance. Faculty Of Law
Faculty of Law was founded in 1989. Competency-Based Curriculum of Higher Education will be implemented by considering the ability and readiness of the study program. Faculty of Information Technology
Study D3 / S1 Library and Information Science
Faculty of Psychology
There are four areas in this faculty includes Health Psychology in Clinical Settings, Settings Health Psychology in Education, Health Psychology in Industrial and Organizational Settings, and Health Psychology in Social Settings. YARSI in collaboration with the University of Padjadjaran Bandung to conduct educational programs Psychology with emphasis in the direction of Health Psychology, which is in line with the education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of YARSI.
YARSI in Jakarta as the foundation engaged in the areas of health, education, and religion in addition to having the University he was also in charge of other services such as libraries, education centers linguistic, diniyah madrasas, mosques, hospitals and education (currently under construction), all of which are in one container under YARSI Foundation in Jakarta.
YARSI still rely Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia to cooperate in the field of education and teaching College of Medicine YARSI Jakarta. With the establishment of the three faculties, College of Medicine YARSI Jakarta has been transformed into the Faculty of Medicine, which is in part YARSI along with the three other faculties. All courses of study in an accredited YARSI BAN-PT.
In 2007 YARSI re-opening of new faculties: the Faculty of Psychology and operated since the 2007-2008 academic year. Until now YARSI has five faculties.
In 2012 YARSI has been trusted by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to open Dentistry Science Program (Prodi IKG).
YARSI just a name YARSI in Jakarta. To call YARSI as a foundation, he called YARSI Foundation.
YARSI has five faculties and nine courses and two graduate programs. Medical School
General Medical Studies Program (S-1) and (Profession) Doctor
Faculty of Medicine has been established since 1967 with the name of the College of Medicine YARSI Jakarta. Dentistry Study Program (S-1) and (Profession) Dentist
Science Program Dentistry YARSI (IKG Prodi FK-UY) was officially founded on September 4, 2012 through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 306 / E / O / 2012 on the Implementation of Dentistry Study Program (S-1 ) In YARSI In Jakarta. Prodi IKG FK-UY is still a part of the Faculty of Medicine, University of YARSI (FK-UY).
Dentist Professional Education Program with a 1.5-year study period was divided into three semesters and after graduation will get a degree Dentist (drg).
Oral health services on-UY RSKGMP will be the fourth in Jakarta, and is expected to become a center of education and oral health care quality in particular his Indonesian in Jakarta and Greater Jakarta.
Economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of YARSI based Islamic economics. All courses include a comprehensive education graduate programs in business and finance. Faculty Of Law
Faculty of Law was founded in 1989. Competency-Based Curriculum of Higher Education will be implemented by considering the ability and readiness of the study program. Faculty of Information Technology
Study D3 / S1 Library and Information Science
Faculty of Psychology
There are four areas in this faculty includes Health Psychology in Clinical Settings, Settings Health Psychology in Education, Health Psychology in Industrial and Organizational Settings, and Health Psychology in Social Settings. YARSI in collaboration with the University of Padjadjaran Bandung to conduct educational programs Psychology with emphasis in the direction of Health Psychology, which is in line with the education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of YARSI.
YARSI in Jakarta as the foundation engaged in the areas of health, education, and religion in addition to having the University he was also in charge of other services such as libraries, education centers linguistic, diniyah madrasas, mosques, hospitals and education (currently under construction), all of which are in one container under YARSI Foundation in Jakarta.
Indonesian Christian University (UKI)
Indonesian Christian University is an educational institution in
Indonesia are located in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Thoughts of Indonesian
Christian community wanted to participate in education, continues to
grow in the discussions that take place in these institutions. Three
months later, on October 15, 1953, Indonesian Christian University (UKI)
established, which consists of (a) the Faculty of Letters and
Philosophy with a sub-sub-faculty is Pedagogy and Literature, and (b) of
the Faculty of Economics. In the course of his service, established the
Faculty of Law (1956), Faculty of Medicine (1962), Faculty of
Engineering (1963), and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
The era of globalization are always marked by profound changes in various fields of life requires an efficient and effective work. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) which was established since the beginning of the Christian University of Indonesia (UKI), in 1953, is one of the oldest faculty in Indonesia and has been experienced for delivering graduates get jobs as soon as possible in accordance with its competence the field of teacher training .
The Faculty of Education of the Indonesian Christian University (FKIP-CIU) to implement a program to equip them plus explore the field of education Bachelor (S1) with the ability to speak English, Mandarin, Information Technology, and e-learning. This is a form of cooperation with the opening of Chinese language education program.
Currently FKIP-CIU has six courses:
1. Guidance and Counseling, has been accredited by the predicate A. These courses prepare the graduate education quality guidance and counseling in education guidance and counseling either conventionally or with the help of technology.
2. English Education, In addition the program prepares graduates to be professionals in the field of education and teaching as well as research related to the English language.
3. Christian education, this program prepares graduates reliable Christian education in the field of teaching Christianity.
4. Biology Education, has been accredited by the predicate B. Students who follow this program are prepared to become qualified undergraduate biology education in the field of biology teaching.
5. Mathematics Education
6. Chinese Language Education, in the accreditation process. The study program in cooperation with Fujian Normal University, Beijing, China. Student Department of Chinese educated and prepared by FKIP-CIU to become teachers of Mandarin. The program is in the form of "joint-programs" between FKIP-UKI and Fujian Normal University. During the 6 semesters (3 years) the first students studying in FKIP-UKI and fourth year students will receive education and teaching in Fujian Normal University, Beijing China for 2 semesters, which is then returned to Indonesia and ready to become teachers of Mandarin in schools or institutions in Indonesia.
Excellence FKIP-UKI, Teachers are qualified and experienced. They qualified S-1, S-2 and S-3 and Professor of graduates at home and abroad.
Transfer Program, Class of this program was held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This program is ideal for students who are currently working. To date, the class over the programs offered are:
1. English Education Program
2. Christian Religious Education Program
3. Mathematics Education Program
4. Biology Education Program
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
The era of globalization are always marked by profound changes in various fields of life requires an efficient and effective work. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) which was established since the beginning of the Christian University of Indonesia (UKI), in 1953, is one of the oldest faculty in Indonesia and has been experienced for delivering graduates get jobs as soon as possible in accordance with its competence the field of teacher training .
The Faculty of Education of the Indonesian Christian University (FKIP-CIU) to implement a program to equip them plus explore the field of education Bachelor (S1) with the ability to speak English, Mandarin, Information Technology, and e-learning. This is a form of cooperation with the opening of Chinese language education program.
Currently FKIP-CIU has six courses:
1. Guidance and Counseling, has been accredited by the predicate A. These courses prepare the graduate education quality guidance and counseling in education guidance and counseling either conventionally or with the help of technology.
2. English Education, In addition the program prepares graduates to be professionals in the field of education and teaching as well as research related to the English language.
3. Christian education, this program prepares graduates reliable Christian education in the field of teaching Christianity.
4. Biology Education, has been accredited by the predicate B. Students who follow this program are prepared to become qualified undergraduate biology education in the field of biology teaching.
5. Mathematics Education
6. Chinese Language Education, in the accreditation process. The study program in cooperation with Fujian Normal University, Beijing, China. Student Department of Chinese educated and prepared by FKIP-CIU to become teachers of Mandarin. The program is in the form of "joint-programs" between FKIP-UKI and Fujian Normal University. During the 6 semesters (3 years) the first students studying in FKIP-UKI and fourth year students will receive education and teaching in Fujian Normal University, Beijing China for 2 semesters, which is then returned to Indonesia and ready to become teachers of Mandarin in schools or institutions in Indonesia.
Excellence FKIP-UKI, Teachers are qualified and experienced. They qualified S-1, S-2 and S-3 and Professor of graduates at home and abroad.
Transfer Program, Class of this program was held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This program is ideal for students who are currently working. To date, the class over the programs offered are:
1. English Education Program
2. Christian Religious Education Program
3. Mathematics Education Program
4. Biology Education Program
A brief history of the University of Bung Karno

A brief history of the University of Bung Karno. As one of dedication in the field of education, in 1983 Sukarno Educational Foundation established the College, named INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND CULTURE Bung Karno. To conform with the provisions of the legislation in force in the Republic of Indonesia, Institute of Science and Culture Bung Karno amended by Decision of the Chairman of the Education Foundation of Sukarno, Mrs. Hj. Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, SH Number: 279 / YPS / VIII / 1983 to the University of Bung Karno with the Faculty and the Department as follows:
1. Faculty of Law at the Department of Law;
2. Faculty of Economics, Department of Accounting and Business Economics;
3. Faculty of Science-Social Sciences with the Department of Public Administration and Business Administration;
4. Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering,
5. Faculty of Information Systems / Computer and Information Systems majoring / Computer.
The establishment of the University of Bung Karno by Sukarno Education Foundation has received tremendous public response. Although the government did not give permission establishment Bung Karno University, the Education Foundation Soekarno still struggled to establish Bung Karno University, by reshaping the Bung Karno University Preparatory Committee in 1996 which was renewed in 1998. Over Sukarno Educational Foundation Board venture led by Hj . Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, SH and over Ridho God Almighty: On May 12, 1999, in a meeting with a team led by the Chairman of the Education Foundation of Sukarno, Mrs. Hj. Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, SH, Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs stated that the government allowed the establishment of the University of Bung Karno and Bung Karno approve all teachings taught to students.
On 11 June 1999, the Government allows the establishment of the University of Bung Karno through the Minister of Education and Culture No. 101 / D / 0/1999.
On 28 June 1999, the Minister of Education and Culture inaugurated the Bung Karno University Campus located at Jalan Chemistry No. 20 Central Jakarta. Bung Karno University currently occupies two campuses belonging to Hj. Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, SH which is located at:
Bung Karno University student has graduated + 3696, and in the academic year 2008/2009 has + 3,000 students spread across six faculties with 11 study programs, namely:
Faculty of Social and Political Science, with 2 Study Program is Science Communication and Political Science;
Faculty of Economics, Accounting and Management Studies Program;
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, with the Civil Engineering Program and Architectural Engineering;
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Systems Studies Program and Computer Systems.
As for the number of Academic Staff Lecturer status as many as 50 people and Parttime Lecturer many as 150 people. A unique and awe-owned alumni UBK ie, they are proud to be able to understand and live the teachings of Bung Karno who has intellect, leadership and exemplary as the Father of the Nation full of charismatic heroic. UBK campus who looked calm and understated still have the spirit and cooperation that could UBK stands in between the buildings skyscrapers in the heart of metropolitan Jakarta.
University of Pancasila (YPPUP)
University of Pancasila (YPPUP), abbreviated as UP or YPPUP, is one of
the universities in Indonesia. Its main campus is located in the
southern part of the city, and the other main campus located in the area
of Borobudur, Central Jakarta. Pancasila University was established on
October 28, 1966, the merger of the University of Pancasila (old) which
was established in 1963 and the University of Bung Karno.
Pancasila is used as the name of the university is not just identification and distinction from other universities, but has a depth of meaning that is essential, according to its mission statement of Indonesia, University of Pancasila, namely "Provide a positive role in the development of science and technology and the development of air-Pancasila community as idealized in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945. "
In this framework and faith Pancasila University intend to produce graduates that spirit of Pancasila, have values and attitudes, knowledge, intelligence, skills and ability to communicate, and ecological awareness to the construction and development of fields of law, economics and ecology to support development.
Ministry of Finance to the Education Foundation and the director University of Pancasila (YPPUP) which was signed on April 21, 1987. With the construction of the building has been completed the Faculty of Economics at Rice Srengseng South Jakarta in 1988, college students of the Faculty of Economics moved into a new building and gradually followed by other faculties. Pancasila University campus located in South Jakarta is located on the border between Depok and Jakarta Selatan. The entire educational program D3 level and S1 is located on the campus of South Jakarta. In South Jakarta Home campus there is a station named after Universtas, namely Pancasila University Station, which accommodate the needs of the campus community who came from various places surrounding Jakarta and need masuarakat around campus. Pancasila University campus located in Central Jakarta is located at Jalan Borobudur No. 7, Jakarta 10320. Master degree program (S2) and Doctoral (S3) is centered on this campus. To contact the campus, can be done nickname to a phone number Doctoral Program, Tel (021) 3904271, Master of Management, Tel (021) 3904269, Master of Accounting, Tel (021) 7872355, Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tel (021) 7864727, Master of Law , Tel (021) 3919013 and Masters in Mechanical Engineering, Tel (021) 31,926,047.
Faculty and Program
- Faculty of Economics & Business
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty Of Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty Of Law
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty of Economics & Business
- Faculty Of Engineering
- Faculty of Psychology
- Faculty of Communication
- Faculty of Tourism
- Master Program
- Master of Management
- Master of Accounting
- Master of Law
- Masters in Mechanical Engineering
Consultation and Legal Aid Institute
University of Pancasila provide legal assistance with LKBH or Consultancy and Legal Aid Institutions with professionals in the field of law. LKBHUP is located in the building of the Faculty of Law, University of Pancasila 4th floor.
Pancasila University has collaborated with Director General of Taxation, with the aim to improve the quality of learning in the field of taxation with the assistance of experts from the Directorate General for Taxation and facilitate a research / study / practice for faculty and students. Tax Center is located at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Pancasila
The other facilities are: Pharmacies, Pancasila University Student Activity Center, Student Senate, University of Pancasila (SEMA-KMUP), lifts / elevators in each building faculty, AULA in each faculty building, spacious and safe parking, Railway Station, University of Pancasila, and much more.
FFUP also a pharmacy faculty most devotees remember at least campus that provides pharmacy faculty.
Pancasila is used as the name of the university is not just identification and distinction from other universities, but has a depth of meaning that is essential, according to its mission statement of Indonesia, University of Pancasila, namely "Provide a positive role in the development of science and technology and the development of air-Pancasila community as idealized in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945. "
In this framework and faith Pancasila University intend to produce graduates that spirit of Pancasila, have values and attitudes, knowledge, intelligence, skills and ability to communicate, and ecological awareness to the construction and development of fields of law, economics and ecology to support development.
Ministry of Finance to the Education Foundation and the director University of Pancasila (YPPUP) which was signed on April 21, 1987. With the construction of the building has been completed the Faculty of Economics at Rice Srengseng South Jakarta in 1988, college students of the Faculty of Economics moved into a new building and gradually followed by other faculties. Pancasila University campus located in South Jakarta is located on the border between Depok and Jakarta Selatan. The entire educational program D3 level and S1 is located on the campus of South Jakarta. In South Jakarta Home campus there is a station named after Universtas, namely Pancasila University Station, which accommodate the needs of the campus community who came from various places surrounding Jakarta and need masuarakat around campus. Pancasila University campus located in Central Jakarta is located at Jalan Borobudur No. 7, Jakarta 10320. Master degree program (S2) and Doctoral (S3) is centered on this campus. To contact the campus, can be done nickname to a phone number Doctoral Program, Tel (021) 3904271, Master of Management, Tel (021) 3904269, Master of Accounting, Tel (021) 7872355, Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tel (021) 7864727, Master of Law , Tel (021) 3919013 and Masters in Mechanical Engineering, Tel (021) 31,926,047.
Faculty and Program
- Faculty of Economics & Business
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty Of Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty Of Law
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty of Economics & Business
- Faculty Of Engineering
- Faculty of Psychology
- Faculty of Communication
- Faculty of Tourism
- Master Program
- Master of Management
- Master of Accounting
- Master of Law
- Masters in Mechanical Engineering
Consultation and Legal Aid Institute
University of Pancasila provide legal assistance with LKBH or Consultancy and Legal Aid Institutions with professionals in the field of law. LKBHUP is located in the building of the Faculty of Law, University of Pancasila 4th floor.
Pancasila University has collaborated with Director General of Taxation, with the aim to improve the quality of learning in the field of taxation with the assistance of experts from the Directorate General for Taxation and facilitate a research / study / practice for faculty and students. Tax Center is located at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Pancasila
The other facilities are: Pharmacies, Pancasila University Student Activity Center, Student Senate, University of Pancasila (SEMA-KMUP), lifts / elevators in each building faculty, AULA in each faculty building, spacious and safe parking, Railway Station, University of Pancasila, and much more.
FFUP also a pharmacy faculty most devotees remember at least campus that provides pharmacy faculty.
University of Surabaya
Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy has three (3) courses (PS), namely: (1) program of S-1 Pharmacy, (2) Pharmacists professional education courses, and (3) program of S-2 Pharmaceutical Sciences - Clinical Pharmacy interest with total active students around 1200. in accordance with the vision and mission, Faculty of Pharmacy organizes learning facilitating learners in the process of developing itself into a competent pharmacist, have knowledge, professional skills, social and superior communication, as well as the character and behavior of professional pharmacists. The learning process is designed to provide knowledge and experience in the field of pharmacy practice that is always tailored to the developmental needs of the community and the world of work. In addition to being members of the Assembly Higher Education Indonesian Pharmaceutical Association (APTFI), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya is also developing partnerships with various educational and research institutions at home and abroad as well as the organization of the pharmaceutical profession. Faculty Of Law
Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) Universitas Surabaya is one of the oldest faculty at the University of Surabaya, which was founded in 1968 with the name of the Faculty of Economics (FE) at the beginning of its establishment. Curriculum (course material design and learning process) in FBE UNIVERSITY SURABAYAtelah international standard and gain recognition in a wide range of leading business schools in Europe, America, and Asia. This collaboration provides an opportunity to students at the University of Surabaya to interact and learn in an international environment in the campus of the University of Surabaya own. The programs offered include regular programs and international programs. Periodically materials and teaching methods are evaluated and enhanced by involving teachers and business practitioners, users graduates and alumni. For students who are doing well, can complete the study within 6/7 semester. Such programs consist of: regular programs include: Banking and Investment, Services and Tourism Management, Human Resource Management and Organization and International Programs
Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya providing technical education and carry out basic and applied research that is relevant to the interests of society in general and especially be true industry. The presence of the engineering faculty at the University of Surabaya Surabaya University makes a complete university as an educational institution oriented development. Stabilization of academic activities, development of academic facilities and industrial relations with the main priority of the faculty of engineering programs in times to come.
Studies Program in the Faculty of Engineering are: Chemical Engineering Program, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Biotechnology, Graduate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Surabaya which has been equipped techniques related to biotechnology, to be able to do things that are related to biotechnology in the fields at the top, so it can be a career in that field.
Faculty of Creative Industries, Faculty of Creative Industries was established in June 2012 with two courses, namely Design and Product Management (DMP) and Design Fashion and Lifestyle Product (DFP). This faculty was established to address the needs of industry and society to skilled personnel who have talents that can be developed is directed to produce innovative products-creative.
Unit and Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), PIOLK University of Surabaya established to facilitate, support and ensure the effectiveness, safety and rational treatment by providing impartial information and non commercial.
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