Wednesday, 14 October 2015

University of Surabaya

Since he was named University of Trisakti in 1966, the Faculty of Law is one of the three faculties (medical, legal and economic) owned by the University of Surabaya. Correspondingly, in the academic year 1982 - 1983 the organization of legal education in the Faculty of Law, University of Surabaya implemented Semester Credit System.

Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy has three (3) courses (PS), namely: (1) program of S-1 Pharmacy, (2) Pharmacists professional education courses, and (3) program of S-2 Pharmaceutical Sciences - Clinical Pharmacy interest with total active students around 1200. in accordance with the vision and mission, Faculty of Pharmacy organizes learning facilitating learners in the process of developing itself into a competent pharmacist, have knowledge, professional skills, social and superior communication, as well as the character and behavior of professional pharmacists. The learning process is designed to provide knowledge and experience in the field of pharmacy practice that is always tailored to the developmental needs of the community and the world of work. In addition to being members of the Assembly Higher Education Indonesian Pharmaceutical Association (APTFI), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya is also developing partnerships with various educational and research institutions at home and abroad as well as the organization of the pharmaceutical profession. Faculty Of Law

Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) Universitas Surabaya is one of the oldest faculty at the University of Surabaya, which was founded in 1968 with the name of the Faculty of Economics (FE) at the beginning of its establishment. Curriculum (course material design and learning process) in FBE UNIVERSITY SURABAYAtelah international standard and gain recognition in a wide range of leading business schools in Europe, America, and Asia. This collaboration provides an opportunity to students at the University of Surabaya to interact and learn in an international environment in the campus of the University of Surabaya own. The programs offered include regular programs and international programs. Periodically materials and teaching methods are evaluated and enhanced by involving teachers and business practitioners, users graduates and alumni. For students who are doing well, can complete the study within 6/7 semester. Such programs consist of: regular programs include: Banking and Investment, Services and Tourism Management, Human Resource Management and Organization and International Programs

Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya providing technical education and carry out basic and applied research that is relevant to the interests of society in general and especially be true industry. The presence of the engineering faculty at the University of Surabaya Surabaya University makes a complete university as an educational institution oriented development. Stabilization of academic activities, development of academic facilities and industrial relations with the main priority of the faculty of engineering programs in times to come.

Studies Program in the Faculty of Engineering are: Chemical Engineering Program, Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Biotechnology, Graduate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Surabaya which has been equipped techniques related to biotechnology, to be able to do things that are related to biotechnology in the fields at the top, so it can be a career in that field.

Faculty of Creative Industries, Faculty of Creative Industries was established in June 2012 with two courses, namely Design and Product Management (DMP) and Design Fashion and Lifestyle Product (DFP). This faculty was established to address the needs of industry and society to skilled personnel who have talents that can be developed is directed to produce innovative products-creative.

Unit and Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), PIOLK University of Surabaya established to facilitate, support and ensure the effectiveness, safety and rational treatment by providing impartial information and non commercial.

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