A brief history of the University of Bung Karno. As one of dedication in the field of education, in 1983 Sukarno Educational Foundation established the College, named INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND CULTURE Bung Karno. To conform with the provisions of the legislation in force in the Republic of Indonesia, Institute of Science and Culture Bung Karno amended by Decision of the Chairman of the Education Foundation of Sukarno, Mrs. Hj. Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, SH Number: 279 / YPS / VIII / 1983 to the University of Bung Karno with the Faculty and the Department as follows:
1. Faculty of Law at the Department of Law;
2. Faculty of Economics, Department of Accounting and Business Economics;
3. Faculty of Science-Social Sciences with the Department of Public Administration and Business Administration;
4. Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering,
5. Faculty of Information Systems / Computer and Information Systems majoring / Computer.
The establishment of the University of Bung Karno by Sukarno Education Foundation has received tremendous public response. Although the government did not give permission establishment Bung Karno University, the Education Foundation Soekarno still struggled to establish Bung Karno University, by reshaping the Bung Karno University Preparatory Committee in 1996 which was renewed in 1998. Over Sukarno Educational Foundation Board venture led by Hj . Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, SH and over Ridho God Almighty: On May 12, 1999, in a meeting with a team led by the Chairman of the Education Foundation of Sukarno, Mrs. Hj. Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, SH, Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs stated that the government allowed the establishment of the University of Bung Karno and Bung Karno approve all teachings taught to students.
On 11 June 1999, the Government allows the establishment of the University of Bung Karno through the Minister of Education and Culture No. 101 / D / 0/1999.
On 28 June 1999, the Minister of Education and Culture inaugurated the Bung Karno University Campus located at Jalan Chemistry No. 20 Central Jakarta. Bung Karno University currently occupies two campuses belonging to Hj. Rachmawati Sukarnoputri, SH which is located at:
Bung Karno University student has graduated + 3696, and in the academic year 2008/2009 has + 3,000 students spread across six faculties with 11 study programs, namely:
Faculty of Social and Political Science, with 2 Study Program is Science Communication and Political Science;
Faculty of Economics, Accounting and Management Studies Program;
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, with the Civil Engineering Program and Architectural Engineering;
Faculty of Computer Science, Information Systems Studies Program and Computer Systems.
As for the number of Academic Staff Lecturer status as many as 50 people and Parttime Lecturer many as 150 people. A unique and awe-owned alumni UBK ie, they are proud to be able to understand and live the teachings of Bung Karno who has intellect, leadership and exemplary as the Father of the Nation full of charismatic heroic. UBK campus who looked calm and understated still have the spirit and cooperation that could UBK stands in between the buildings skyscrapers in the heart of metropolitan Jakarta.